You Have To See These Pictures Of Brad Pitt That Were Used To Scam A Woman Out Of $850,000 After She Thought They Were In A Relationship Together

There are times when I hear of people getting scammed and I just get flabbergasted on how they got there. How do these people fall for these crazy scams?! But this one HAS to take the cake. These pictures have to be the funniest thing on planet Earth. Considering the fact that a woman saw these a legitimately thought that it was actually Brad Pitt. Its funny but honestly sad at the same time. The bottom right picture has to be the most insane one to fall for.

This woman also got scammed out of $830,000! FROM THOSE PICTURES! Media literacy is scarily bad these days. Apparently, she also divorced her husband thinking that her and Brad were gonna get together. I have to say, I'm sure there was a couple days there when this lady was living large. She was thinking she was about to be Brad Pitt's wife! The fake Brad also told her he was getting knee surgery and he couldn’t use his own cash because he was tied up in a divorce with Angelina Jolie. 

I really hope this woman is ok and was able to get her money back. I can't imagine how embarrassing that is.