Paul Finebaum And Joel Klatt Owe Me An Apology For Their Blasphemous Statements On Army Navy

It's crazy how the world works sometimes. It's entirely possible to offend someone deeply without having ever met them and that's exactly what ole Pauly and Joel did with their take on Army Navy. 

A few things are inarguable facts:

A. Army Navy is the most pure thing we have in college football...ESPECIALLY now.

2. Army Navy is the best rivalry in sports. Period.

D. Army Navy enjoyed its highest viewership in the history of the rivalry this year which proves America cares about Army Navy. Dum dums will say, "That's only because it's the only game on that day." That's been true for many years but people flocked in droves to watch the game this year. Why? Probably because deep down in places they don't want to talk about at parties, a large portion of the CFB fanbase hates the direction the sport is going right now. 

You know what doesn't help that? When jamokes with a microphone start spouting out nonsense like Joel and Pauly did on their shows. 

We are navigating unchartered territory right now in CFB between NIL, the new playoff, and playing in the era where the term "student athlete" has all but evaporated at most schools. Some of it is good. Some of it is bad. The smart thing to do in times of unrest is to hold on tight to those things that are perfect... *cough cough* Army Navy.

The big problem with their statements is that it is all under the guise of "we respect the game and want to make it better." What a load of manure. Just be honest gents and say what you really think - you hate that the game gets as much shine as it does and you want your precious SEC to get that love. I think Paul and Joel, despite their words, hate the troops to be honest. 

Their two big arguments are it's getting pinched by other events and it impacts the rest of the season by making it a playoff. I will tell you what's wrong with those statements.

Pinched by other events? Who thinks the Heisman is appointment television? It's one of the coolest awards in sports but it could be a 10 minute long show in reality. 

Play in week 0 as a tribute to the sport? You can't say that with a straight face. Some traditions are not to be messed with and playing Army Navy in 90 degrees in Florida ain't it Joel. 

Meaningless game? To be frank, no one expected Army and Navy to have the years that they did and to be in the CFP. Folks from each school and the AAC are already working on a solution so the Army Navy game can stay in place but both schools aren't negatively impacted by playing a "meaningless" game as it pertains to their record and CFP chances. 

Wasting a week of the season? Who said so? You don't think schools enjoy having a week to rest as they gear up for a playoff run? Tell me you don't know ball without telling me you don't know ball.

No, these two jagaloons are trying to diminish the Army Navy game without having the masses come down on their heads. They think we need to constantly make changes to the game. Just like a bored housewife who does too much surgery to her face, sometimes you need to leave things alone and allow them to be pretty. 

We don't need to change everything in college football every year. 

Army Navy is special and if you've never been make sure you add it to your bucket list. These two are out of their depth and are talking on a game they don't fully appreciate. Given what these kids sign up to do after graduation, the least we can do as a country is give them their own weekend. 

Now, say you're sorry to me or we will have a problem.