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Shawn Michaels Hitting The Sweet Chin Music Never Gets Old

You just gotta love watching Shawn Michaels hit the Sweet Chin Music. Even at 59 years old, the "Heartbreak Kid" has still got it!

Michaels dropped Kevin Owens with the superkick in his hometown of San Antonio after getting disrespected (and then assaulted!) and the crowd went absolutely wild for it. He was there at 'Saturday Night's Main Event' to mediate the contract signing between Owens and Cody Rhodes, for their WWE Championship(s) ladder match going down a week from tonight at the Royal Rumble in Indianapolis, and it was a really well done segment on all levels, to nobody's surprise - these three are all absolute pros on the mic and at selling pay-per-views. HBK buttered the crowd up, welcomed both guys out, Owens brought the heat, Cody brought the fury, and then the chaos in the videos above broke out. 

Knowing these two, I think it's gonna be a pretty insane old school ladder match in front of the 60k+ hardcore fans at Lucas Oil Stadium, and I can't friggin wait. Cody seems like he'll be the obvious winner with WrestleMania right around the corner (and a huge championship match with John Cena heavily rumored) but they said some things tonight that planted little seeds of doubt in my mind, which I loved. It seemed like Cody was obviously looking past Owens in a way he shouldn't be doing, character-wise. I'd really like to see KO take the title off Cody if even for a month. If that's not in his future plans, though, how about another match against a returning legend at WrestleMania? 

He already welcomed "Stone Cold" Steve Austin back to the ring a few years ago - how about Shawn Michaels next? I'm sure HBK regrets coming back in Saudi Arabia for that tag team shitshow with The Undertaker and how about we send him (back) out on a good note?! Who says no?!

Giphy Images.

P.S. Top 5 Sweet Chin Musics off the top of my head (don't yell at me for forgetting your favorite)….

5. Sweet Chin Music into the Pedigree to The Undertaker (WrestleMania 28)

I think this is the greatest false finish of all time. Everyone and their mothers thought the streak was over in that moment. Incredible.

4. Sweet Chin Music to Stan (Cyber Sunday 2006)

Watching this live as an eight-year-old might've been the hardest I ever laughed in my entire life. Shoutout "Stan" aka Tye Dillenger aka Shawn Spears. 

3. Sweet Chin Music to Shelton Benjamin (Raw - May 2, 2005)

One word: Iconic. This was in the WWE intro forever, and rightfully so. It's a perfectly executed spot. I always loved the Hulk Hogan guy in the crowd standing up and pointing in pure disbelief. Side note: this entire match is awesome and very worth a watch.

2. Sweet Chin Music to Ric Flair (WrestleMania 24)

If that last Sweet Chin Music was the Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon vs Darth Maul of superkicks, this is the Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader of em. It may not be the most athletically impressive showing, but it absolutely has the most emotion behind it, and simply means more.

1. Sweet Chin Music to Bret Hart (Raw - May 12, 1997)

I know this is sort've a specific niche favorite Sweet Chin Music, but my older brother and I have always just loved this one so much. Bret's sell, falling back into the wheelchair and then bumping a second later, is so brilliant. Cracks me up.

Honorable Mention: Sweet Chin Music to Triple H (Survivor Series 2009)

Having Shawn Michaels superkick his best friend to start this triple threat match (instead of teaming up with HHH to take John Cena out) was a tremendous piece of booking, but John Cena's reaction to it really sends it over the top. The WWE Championship just means more!

Honorable Mention: Sweet Chin Music to the timekeeper (WrestleMania 12)

No selling necessary there. Shawn NAILED that poor son of a bitch!

Obligatory Bonus Superkick (Inspired By My Second Honorable Mention): Sweet Chin Music to Robbie Fox in the front row….