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The NFL Still Not Having Any Sort Of Technology To Spot The Ball Besides Two Refs Running In From The Sidelines Is Fucking Asinine

You know how we settle the debate on Twitter if Allen got this or not? Have some sort of technology besides two old fucks running in from the sidelines at two different points and just randomly deciding who is right. It's out there! 

Was this reason number 1 the Bills lost? No. It was constantly running QB sneak to the left thinking it would work over and over again. It was refusing to run James Cook late after he gashed the Chiefs early in the second half. This call for sure shifted everything in the game though. Bills driving and bleeding clock. Who the hell knows if they get a touchdown and Joe Brady/McDermott read play 2 on their sheet which is 'anything but a QB sneak' on the 2-point conversion.  

 But my God, how is this a thing? How is it 2025 and a billion dollar industry hasn't made any changes to seeing how we spot the ball. This wasn't the only play either, the 3rd down spot was weird: 

We keep hearing about replay assist, where was it to mark the spot? What about the chain gang that is still a thing, allegedly. No getting a ruling here? That's how you fix it. That's how we know if Josh Allen or Kincaid or anyone else got a first down. And the worst part? We won't get an answer about why the guy who had the first down was overruled. Refs don't have to answer why the decision was made.