It's Time To Start Rooting For The Chiefs

I am going to do something that seemingly nobody outside of the greater Kansas City area has ever attempted to do. I'm going to defend the Kansas City Chiefs and give a case on why we should actually be rooting for them instead of just repeating the same tired narrative of crying "The Chiefs win too much! So I hope they lose! The refs! Taylor Swift!" blah blah blah. 

I posted the above tweet last night and you would think I sent out a tweet saying "Guys, what if we just hear the Taliban out? Let's start celebrating their acts of terror!" People just fucking hate the Kansas City Chiefs. And for the most part, I think that is stupid. Now listen, if you're a Bills fan, you should hate the Chiefs with every fiber of your being and have a Patrick Mahomes dartboard in your basement. If you're an AFC West fan, or a fan of any team that has been personally victimized by the Chiefs in the playoffs/Super Bowl (Bengals, Ravens, 49ers, Eagles), then I completely understand hating the Chiefs for what they've done to you. But I'm talking to other vast majority of NFL fan bases. 

Personally, I'm a Giants fan so I don't even consider them to play the same sport as the Chiefs. The idea of the Chiefs ever beating the Giants in a meaningful game feels downright impossible. It would be like if a die-hard fan of the Division III Marantha Baptist basketball program was angry UCONN won back to back titles. So if you're a fan of like, the Vikings, Falcons, Jets, Cardinals, Cowboys, Saints, etc. etc., then it's insane to act like the Chiefs winning is affecting your life in any way whatsoever. If anything, it's disrespectful to Bills fans to act like you hate the Chiefs as much as they do. Their trauma is not your costume! 

I personally have never understood the mindset of just blindly hating on dynasties and teams that win a lot. Perhaps that is the Yankee fan in me talking, although it's not like they've won enough recently in my lifetime for me to truly experience that, unfortunately. But even when the Patriots had their reign of terror, I was never one of those people screaming about Tom Brady and them winning too much. I didn't lose sleep when the Warriors won 3 out of 4 titles. I was utterly unfazed by Nick Saban and Alabama winning so much. If anything, I think it's kind of cool to witness dynasties that we'll be able to tell our grandkids about 60 years from now. I'm jealous of the people who got to say they experienced what Michael Jordan and the Bulls did in the 1990s. 

And Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs are shaping up to be the modern day Jordan and the Bulls. You can whine and complain and get upset every time they inevitably win a close game with insane clutch performances, or you can just sit back and be like "Wow that's pretty cool actually." It would be like shorting Apple stock every single year and then being mad when it only goes up. Just buy the stock. 

Now I'm not saying you should go buy a Mahomes jersey and paint your face red when you watch the games, but at the very least maybe bet them on DraftKings every playoff game so you can at least make some money out of it. Or even if you're not betting them, just take a step back to appreciate greatness instead of letting it ruin your football fandom. Rooting against a team simply because they "win too much" is weak-minded and loser behavior. "Wah! Wah! Wah! This team is good so now I dislike them!" Grow up. (Again... Bills fans excluded). 

And I know people will say that it's not just because the Chiefs win, but it's instead because they are unlikable in how they win. But I don't really understand that. Yes, they certainly do seem to get a good amount of calls from the refs, but if you truly think the Chiefs are only winning because of the refs, then you are a moron. And if you think the NFL is rigging full seasons just so they can have the Chiefs win the Super Bowl year after year, you are even dumber. I feel so stupid even entertaining that, but a high-level conspiracy to rig seasons for the Chiefs to win the Super Bowl every year in something as big as the NFL would be impossible to pull off. And what would the benefit of that to the NFL even be? If anything, people are so fed up with the Chiefs winning at this point and swearing off the NFL, that rigging games against the Chiefs would probably be the smarter play. But none of that is happening. 

As for the team itself, it's impossible not to like the cheeseburger loving walrus known as Andy Reid. And even Patrick Mahomes himself I find likable. Just seems like a normal guy who happens to be insanely gifted at the sport of football. I've always found the hating of his wife to be extremely unfair (wrote that here last year). I do understand not liking Jackson Mahomes but rooting against a team because of the quarterback's younger brother is asinine. And if you get viscerally angry because the TV broadcast "shows Taylor Swift too much" then you have mental issues that would be best suited for a therapist. Hell, I'd go as far as saying it's kind of neat that the biggest celebrity in the world is dating a star player on the best team in the world. A cool little blending of sports and pop culture! 

So with all that being said, I will be rooting hard for the Kansas Chiefs to beat the Philadelphia Eagles in the Super Bowl next Sunday. Now a lot of that is because I'm a Giants fan who hates the Eagles. But even taking that aside, I just think it would be awesome to witness a team make history with a Super Bowl threepeat. And the Eagles are not exactly some lovable underdog squad like the Bills or Lions or whomever. We just saw them in the Super Bowl two years ago and they won a Super Bowl 7 years ago. I actually like Jalen Hurts. I think people shit on him too much and I think his football story from Alabama to now is pretty cool. But he doesn't have that Lamar or Josh Allen vibe of "We want to see him finally get one." So I really don't see any good reason for anyone outside of Philadelphia to be pulling hard for the Eagles. Even Bills fans should probably want the Chiefs to win so they can play the card of "Well they just beat everyone" and then hope they're the ones who get to eventually topple them. 

Anyway, that's the end of the blog now. Go Chiefs Go!