A 400-Pound Female Rapper Named "Dank Demoss" Is SUING LYFT After A Driver Refused Her Service For Not Being Able To Fit In His Car

Source - Dajua Blanding, known on stage as Dank Demoss, requested a ride to a Detroit Lions watch party earlier this month. However, when the driver arrived, he saw Blanding and told her he couldn't give her a ride because of her weight. Blanding was recording the encounter.

The backstory:

At first, the driver told Blanding she wouldn't fit in his sedan.

"I can fit in this car," she can be heard saying, to which he responded, "Believe me, you can't."

The driver then told Blanding his tires couldn't handle the weight, apologized, and mentioned ordering an Uber XL - a larger vehicle. He added that he would refund the ride so she wouldn't be charged. Blanding says she could have fit.

The Video: 

"I've been in cars smaller than that," she told FOX 2. "I just want them to know that it hurt my feelings."

Blanding has retained attorneys Jonathan Marko and Zach Runyan to sue for discrimination. He said weight is a protected characteristic in Michigan. Marko said that denying someone a ride based on their weight would be the same as denying someone because of their race or religion - at least under the law.

Dank, Dank, Dank, Dank, Dank. What are you thinking here, hon? What's the ideal outcome of going public with this? You just said your feelings were hurt by the man who thought his car would be hurt and now you're turning to the internet for sympathy? For a resolution? So that Lyft will somehow make this right?! Good luck sister, but based on everything I know about the internet this is not going to go your way. You're going to get meme'd to death from now until the end of the time. I'm not going to include said memes in this blog, but if you search "Dank Demoss" on X...you'll find them. 

Now, as far as the lawsuit goes...throw it out. There is quite literally ZERO ground to stand on. Despite what her lawyers say, being fat is not like being black, or muslim, or asian, or any other race or religion mainly because YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR WEIGHT. I understand that there are extenuating circumstances (thyroid issues, genetics to a degree, live next door to a Five Guys), but generally speaking if you stop eating cotton candy at at 3:00 AM you'll lose enough weight to fit into a car. Lyft was much nicer about the situation than me...

"Lyft unequivocally condemns all forms of discrimination—we believe in a community where everyone is treated with equal respect and mutual kindness. Our community guidelines and terms of service explicitly prohibit harassment or discrimination."

I just feel bad for the driver. The poor guy was simply trying to do his job and ended up getting put on blast. Fingers crossed Lyft takes care of him the way I'm sure they'll take care of Dank. Time will tell!