Justin Tucker Is Being Accused Of Some Pretty Disgusting Stuff During Massages In The Baltimore Area

Baltimore Banner - Ravens kicker Justin Tucker engaged in inappropriate behavior at four high-end spas and wellness centers in the Baltimore region, according to six massage therapists, including exposing his genitals, brushing two of them with his exposed penis, and leaving what they believed to be ejaculate on the massage table after three of his treatments.

Several therapists said Tucker’s behavior was so egregious that they ended his sessions early or refused to work on him again. And, at two spas, management said they banned him from returning.

After receiving a tip on Jan. 9, The Banner began investigating and spoke to six massage therapists who recounted troubling firsthand experiences with Tucker from 2012 to 2016. The women said they had long wanted to tell their stories.

“I’ve told people about this over the years, and they either act like it’s hot goss[ip] or a joke,” said one therapist who worked on Tucker in 2016. “But it was really degrading.” ... (story continues)

Not great!

There is some pretty disgusting and eerily similar stuff to the Deshaun Watson accusations a few years back. It's all from the years 2012-2016 (early in his career) and there's not the sheer volume of people like there was with Watson... but that could obviously change quickly as this story evolves.

I think the article there is paywalled, but the long and short of it is Tucker is accused of taking advantage of his position as a star athlete and made clear and obvious suggestions for sexual favors to massage therapists, including nudging towels off his hard dick, "accidental nudges", and leaving a hot nasty puddle of you know what on tables after massages concluded. Gross, deplorable, awful, unacceptable.

This is obviously a pretty delicate and serious topic that deserves sensitivity to those affected and they deserve to be believed and heard. JT also deserves to have due process and some degree of benefit of doubt due to a track record of being a seemingly all-around good dude... but this is a "where there's smoke, there's fire" kind of situation and there seems to be a lot of smoke with this one. 

Net net, this is one where the Ravens have just gotta cut him loose and eat whatever ramifications (salary cap, PR, etc.) that come with it. This is too serious a topic and they've misplayed that hand in the past. They've said the right things for the most part since and Harbaugh even spoke fairly directly on the Watson situation a couple years back.

Best kicker of all time? So what. Legacy is tarnished, blemished, donezo. See ya.

Genuine sympathies to those affected, I'm sorry they went through that (provided this is true) and we should do better as a society to keep this from happening moving forward. Full stop.


This is as proactive and defensive of statement as you could imagine… not sure that it changes anything but it's something.