Is Pete Davidson Still Hot Without His Tattoos?

Honestly? I think the answer is still yes, and if I'm being SO real, it's even more of a yes now than it was before. People forget that Pete got the "hot" tag not because of how he looked - but by how funny he is. Sure, the excess tats gave us that "mental health issues vibe hotness," but where's the longevity in that? Everyone loves a troubled soul, a project to fix - but what happens after they decide "eh, I'm not about that life anymore"? You get rid of all your tattoos, do hot photoshoots and Super Bowl commercials for extremely popular fashion brands:

Good for Pete. All jokes aside I think he looks fantastic. Younger than ever, healthier than I even spotting a tan?? Spray or natural, it's working for him. He was a drug guy and a struggling depressed guy, and then he cleaned up his act. He's very clearly been working on himself mentally and physically and I truly think this should be applauded. He even said a few weeks ago on Fallon how much of a bitch it is to get all of these tattoos removed, reminding audience members that they should "really think about that Game of Thrones tattoo" before they get it:

I, for one, am happy for him. I'm sure little kid Pete Davidson on Staten Island never thought he'd be modeling underwear on billboards in Times Square but, when the opportunity presented itself, he was more than willing to rise to the occasion. Congrats Pete!! Call me maybe!