TikTok Users Are Having Mental Breakdowns Over an Anglerfish That Made It to the Surface Before Its Death

This week's Star of the Internet isn't the latest SoundCloud rapper or Elon Musk — though I suppose he could win this award every week now — but rather a tiny anglerfish in the Canary Islands who made a rare appearance on the surface in the final moments of its life. Somehow, this mildly interesting scientific discovery has become a seeming rallying cry for the chronically online, leading to thousands of emotional TikTok videos pouring in for this fish.

I've never seen anything like it. It seems some of these people expect the fish to make a Christ-like resurrection from the dead, gain the ability to speak and then release a 37-minute YouTube confessional on why it went to the surface.

I would guess the sighting of this anglerfish on the surface has something to do with the fact it was dying and had no idea what was happening, but I guess I we can't definitively rule out that it was trying to make a statement for social media. We'll sadly never be able to ask now.

RIP to the little guy. I don't really get it, but maybe that's because I've never been brave enough to venture to the surface.