Who's the Asshole: Bride Gets Triggered as a Baby Cries During Her 'No Kids' Wedding

I must admit that, as the title suggests, I was prepared to make an argument that the couple having a wedding excluding children could have been the real problem here before watching this video. And I do still think that it's a bit outlandish and self-centered to do that. But upon further review, there is no question that the couple allowing their baby to cry through a wedding ceremony is insane and should be reprimanded.

I still hate people who think their wedding is an event such that everyone else should bow down to them for an entire day and no rule or regulation placed upon the guests is unreasonable as the bride and groom are the viceroys of their venue and everyone else is their subjects. But the statement to make if someone invites you to a "child-free" wedding 10 hours away is to abstain from attending, not bring your baby and have him scream throughout the ceremony. You've now lost any sympathy and can't claim any sort of moral high ground.

I was ready to make a case for these people and argue against the absurdity of declaring none of your friends and family can bring their children to what's supposed to be a family event, but now I'm forced to side with the Gen Z Wedding Fascists.

If you have the balls to bring a kid to a kid-free wedding, you have to be absolutely certain they are going to sit there and not make a peep, which means they should probably be at least four years old. And if the kid starts making a scene in the middle of a wedding, you have to leave the room with them immediately.

The call on the field is overturned; the bride retains her challenge.