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One Last Ride: The Chiefs Are Planning On Travis Kelce Coming Back For One More Season, Claim He Was Battling A 'Pretty Big Illness' Before The Super Bowl

This isn't that surprising, right? I know there were rumors of Travis Kelce retiring but it never felt like it was going to happen. Not because of anything besides he has 1 year left on his contract. Just makes sense to try and go get one more Super Bowl. Play out your contract, see if you have a better year than this one and then retire. You also can't retire when you were 'battling a pretty big illness' 

No excuses, but pretty sure you gotta put an asterisk on the Eagles Super Bowl now. Can't give it to the Chiefs obviously, but an asterisk sounds fair. They are already using an illegal tush push so whole season might be an asterisk if you ask me, a Giants fan, with only the fairness of the league in mind. I'm basically Rob Lowe wearing the NFL hat here. 

Back to Kelce, it just never sounded like a man ready to retire. It sounded like a guy who knows his career is winding down and coming off a loss in the Super Bowl. But it never felt real that he'd retire right there. Maybe that will be wrong, but everything said yesterday makes it sound like he's coming back. I don't think the Chiefs front office is dumb enough to say this stuff publicly without there being pretty strong confidence. Think it's pretty clear you just need to adjust a role for him. People get old, games change, not breaking news here. But, yeah, Kelce is coming back - at least everyone thinks so despite him not publicly saying anything yet.