Youth Hockey Game Ends With Parents Brawling In The Stands And One Coach Going Full Herb Brooks
It's always hard to tell with youth hockey because some kids look like they're 16 and other look like they're 6, but I'm gonna go ahead and say that these are a bunch of 12-year-olds out there. And usually whenever there's a video that gets out of a bunch of parents fighting at a youth hockey game, those parents are clearly the biggest losers in the video. But with this specific incident in Fargo, it's not that obvious...
It appears as if the team in grey here is the home team. They have 5 players on the ice at the end of the game, and the team with 4 goals on the scoreboard is on the penalty kill. So the team is grey appears to be the home team, and it looks like they just got shelled 4-0 out there. Now here's what we need to know, but we'll never get the actual answer--was this coach planning on bag skating the boys after that loss no matter what, or was this punishment for starting a fight after the game? Something tells me this coach already used the line "gentlemen, you don't have enough talent to win on talent alone" before the final buzzer. My guess is he watched Miracle at some point during the 4 Nations Faceoff, and was just dying for a chance to break out this move.
But at the end of the day, somebody has to be the biggest asshole to come out of this video. And my vote goes for this mom in the tan coat right here.
First she starts off by shoving a couple of kids on the black team on her way off the bleachers. Greasy move, but she's a woman and the kids have plenty of pads on so it is what it is. It looks like she's just leaving the rink, but then she comes back with what I'm assuming is her husband who was probably pouring himself a beer in the parking lot. And once she gets back, she sticks her leg out to trip another dad.
In her defense, she ends up throwing a punch of her own. So it's not like she was just waiting for her husband to come along and fight for her. But yeah, if anyone comes away looking like the biggest dickhead here then it's ol' tan coat McSorley over here.
Anyway, friendly reminder that they ought to just ban parents from going to youth hockey games.