After Being Away From The Rangers This Entire Week While His 4-Month Old Daughter Had Open Heart Surgery, Jake Burger Got To Camp At 7:45 AM, Didn't Sleep And Then Crushed A Home Run While Wearing His Daughter's Hospital Bracelet

What a whirlwind of a week for the Burger family, I can only assume that not much sleep was been had by anyone. Rangers slugger Jake Burger had been away from the club this week so he could be with his family as his four-month old daughter Penelope recovered from open heart surgery this past Monday. After being born with Down syndrome it determined that she would eventually need to undergo open heart surgery, an all around terrifying situation. All went well with the surgery for little P on Monday and after the week from hell, Jake was back with the Rangers. Caught the red eye from Nashville to Arizona and got to the clubhouse in time for the game. Not only was he in the lineup after probably not sleeping at all this week, he steps in the box and crushes one over 400 feet. Coolest part of this whole thing was he was wearing the hospital bracelet on his wrist still as he hit the homer. 

I mean come on, best dad moment ever. Just an all around awesome moment in what has been an awfully scary week for this family. This is the kind of stuff that makes baseball awesome, a truly incredible story for Burger and the ones close to him. It's also not a bad way to hit your first homer for your new team. I truly hope Burger keeps that bracelet on the whole season, and all the hope in the world that Penelope's fine moving forward and they can avoid any other health issues! Imagine not rooting for Jake Burger this season. Hope he hits 50 bombs for Penelope.