Mintzy Vs. Klemmer Yak Pro Day 2 Is FINALLY Here And It Is Vengeance Time!

Time to lay it all on the line today!

Barstool Yak Pro Day has arrived. And it is time for me to get vengeance on that scrawny troll Chris Klemmer for beating me last year.

21 events are scheduled and who the hell knows what they are?!?!? There are rumors of a baby being involved but that is about all I know going in. And there are 4 repeat events.....

My guess is making a grilled cheese could be one of them after last year's train wreck.

Chris Klemmer called me out last night questioning how serious I am about today?!?!? What the heck?

I am not gonna stand for this slander and had to respond. Because I am freaking hyped for today!

I lived with the embarrassment of last year's loss for 367 days and it is time for payback! Klemmer was super annoying at the Surviving Barstool house and all I could think about was revenge.

I am not exactly sure how to train for this but my endurance and stamina are amazing right now thanks to Jenks. That is going to pay off in spades today as I become the Pro Day Champion!

Tune into Barstool Yak at 1 PM ET/12 PM CT for the show!