Report: People Close to Taylor Swift are Telling Her to Dump Travis Kelce to Protect Her 'Brand' After the Booing She Got at the Super Bowl

Emily Curiel. Shutterstock Images.

I can handle conflict as well as the next fella. I've seen people I care about stop talking to each other for months. Watched several of my closest friends' marriages break up. Lived through the last few years of Tom Brady and Bill Belichick. Hell, it was just days ago that world leaders sat in the Oval Office screaming at each other over which one of them was about to start World War III. It's an unfortunate but inevitable part of our sad existence in this vale of tears we're walking through. 

But is it too much to ask that we have something to believe in? One relationship to give us hope that humans are capable of more than just fighting all the time? Until now, I thought we had that in Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. The perfect pop star and the perfect athlete, combining to achieve pure perfection as a couple. 

And yet now, for the first time, it sounds as though there might be trouble in the paradise that is them. And if this newest report is to be believed, it is neither her fault nor his. It's you and I who are to blame:

At least that's what one source close to Swift is reportedly saying:

Source - Taylor Swift is being advised to give football star Travis Kelce the boot for the sake of her global brand.

The loves are being told to keep their careers separate from their relationship after she was roundly booed by huge sections of the Super Bowl crowd, can reveal.

And Kelce has been accused of taking his eye off the ball by some Kansas City Chiefs fans – especially after his stinker in the loss in the final to the Philadelphia Eagles. …

A source close to the pair told us: "Up until now, Taylor and Travis have been the ultimate power couple, shining together in the limelight. 

"But whispers are swirling that maybe they’ve hit a bit of a snag. Apparently, her team is worried they’ve been overselling the relationship. Sources say it's been a tough pill for both of them to swallow, leading to some pressure to keep their work lives separate.


"Travis, who’s been basking in the glow of his romance with Taylor, has caught some backlash for not giving his full focus to the team. The vibe seems to be shifting, and insiders suggest both stars might need to safeguard their brands.

"The incident with the crowd booing Taylor, which some fans are saying was just playful ribbing about her switch in loyalty. Remember, before she fell for Travis, she was all about the Philadelphia Eagles! 

"Now, her team's advising her to lay low for a while, and it’s got to sting a bit, like a sense of guilt she hasn’t earned. This whole situation is creating a weird tension between her and Travis, especially since this is their first real bump in the road. 

"Until now, it’s been nothing but good times! You can only imagine the awkward discussions happening behind the scenes about when it’s appropriate for them to be seen together and how they’re supposed to act. Definitely not the romantic vibe they were hoping for!"

It's hard to ignore the irony of Taylor's "team" telling her to break up with her boyfriend in order to protect her brand, when in fact her brand is largely built on a foundation of writing songs about breakups. I guess in a way this would be her going back to her roots. Like a 21st century version of Elvis' 1968 comeback special. 

But that's neither here nor there. The more pressing matter is what do we do about this? All this talk about giving boots, snags, swallowing tough pills, vibe shifts, weird tensions, awkward discussions and the like? They make it sound like these two are just another couple. Or just a generic pair of disposable celebrities who are doomed to fail from the start. Instead of what they are, which is royalty. 

What these two have, let no man tear asunder. Their love is pure. Their relationship, sacred. We can't just sit idly by and let it fail like she's Jennifer Aniston. America needs these two crazy, star-crossed lovers to make it. The world of music needs it. Pro football needs it. Satirical, wiseass sports and comedy websites need it. 

We've had it too good for too long to just see these two go their separate ways now. I for one am not ready to go back to a world where the Chiefs are just another team. Where their games are just ordinary games. Where we don't get the obligatory cutaway to the private box every time Kelce does something and 75% of the time he doesn't. 

This source uses the word "overselling"? Listen, Bub. We'll be the judge of how much "selling" we want Swift and Kelce to do. We'll decide who's brand is being damaged by the incessant hype and fame-whoring. We've had it too good for too long to just go back to the way things were before these two drew us all into their gravitational pull like a super massive Black Hole of attention. 

So let's get everyone on board. Roger Goodell has supreme power to do whatever he thinks is in the best interest of The Shield. Let him order Taylor and Travis to stay together. Have him vacate the Eagles championship and give it to the Chiefs as punishment. Let Trump negotiate peace between them. Or better yet, sign an Executive Order forbidding them to split up. Threaten to cut off all federal funds to Missouri if they don't comply.  Mobilize the military if he has to. Declare war on Philadelphia. Just don't let us have to face a future without these two as the perfect couple. I can handle a lot. Just don't expect me to live like that again.