A Pilot With Seemingly the Most Rizz of Any Man Alive Left One of the Smoothest Notes Ever for an Instagram Influencer

The kids today talk a lot about "rizz" and think their buddy Chad has it because he holds the Ole Miss Pike record for bar makeouts in one night. This note is what actual rizz looks like, gentlemen.

That woman has not stopped thinking about that note for days. And the pilot who left it seemingly didn't even leave his name, number or anything. He had a rocket who will remember him for the rest of her life wrapped around his finger and he was gone as quickly as he appeared. That's aura.

And he can afford to not even try to reel this woman in because he writes that exact same note to the hottest girl in every airport in the world and I'm guessing it has about a 95 percent conversion rate. So every once in a while, this guy can just toss one out there for show and leave a woman with millions of followers thinking about him forever. What a life.

He may need to wait a week or two for the next note now that this video has gone viral, but once the coast is clear, he can go right back to this infinite swoon glitch.