"As Long As I Can See It, I Can Hit It" - A 60 Year Old Barry Bonds Says He Can Still Hit A 100 MPH Pitch Right Now
So I'm just gonna say it, he's right. Barry Bonds was on the "All The Smoke" podcast and had a question asked to by Stephen Jackson and Bonds didn't even blink when asked. Didn't even flinch, didn't have to think twice. Jackson asked if the 60 year old Bonds could hit a 100 MPH fastball right now. Bonds being Bonds immediately says how easy it would be, and I believe him.
Steroids or not, Bonds was the best player of our generation, an incredible hitter and arguably a top player in baseball history. He's 60 now but my god is the guy in great shape, he's still a physical freak. So when he talks about hitting I think we should listen to him, he compares hitting a ball to a catcher catching a pitch. He said you just have to replace the glove with the bat and that was his approach. Obviously it's a little more complicated than that but damnit does he make it seem easy. So as long as he can see it, he can hit it and I think we all just have to believe him.
100 is nothing to a guy like Bonds, these guys aren't intimidated by speed. You think Bonds ever was scared to step into the box vs someone because of how fast they threw? Get out of here. This is the same guy who knew he was only going to see 1, maybe 2 pitches per series to hit and more times than not he'd take that one pitch and send it to Mars.
We all remember the Bonds vs Eric Gagne battle back in the day, one of the best at-bats you'll see. Bonds fought him off all at-bat and then turned on 99 and made it a souvenir. So yeah, when the best baseball player we ever watched says with no hesitation and all the confidence in the world that he can hit 100 at his age, I believe him. He may not have the power but I believe that hand-eye coordination is still there. You don't lose your hitting eye, not a guy like Barry. They could ask him this question in 10 years and I'd still believe him.
I don't think it's him being cocky or anything either, he seems to truly believe that. He may be the only 60 year old former player who can say this and get away with it, I fully believe him and now I need a competition with him at the All-Star game this summer to see if he can actually do it. There's an idea for you MLB, give us a retired players showcase. Let us see Barry take 100 into the seats. 100 ain't no thing to a guy like Bonds, esp if it's straight. That speed never phased him as a player, won't phase him now. 100 MPH coming in, 110 going out. That's what would happen if Bonds saw that pitch today.