Track Star That Hit Other Runner In Head With Baton Is Asking Everyone To Feel Bad For Her As It Was Clearly An Accident (It Wasn't)

I am no track and field expert, but in all my years alive, I have never seen a baton attack. I would assume they have happened before, but this is a method of assault new to me. 

This may be new to me, but that's as clean-cut as it gets in terms of intent. Arms while running do not move like that. There is no possibility that was an accident. As Adam Schefter famously once said: 

The track athlete who did commit this HEINOUS act (shout out Joe Buck) has come out and asked everyone to consider her feelings when it comes to their response:

After the smoke detector beep at the 10 second mark, you can hear the high school runner claim that she did not intentionally hit the other competitor, but instead her baton got stuck. 

IT GOT STUCK? You need to have a better excuse than that. It's been 24+ hours and that's the best you could come up with? Claiming a muscle spasm would've been more respectable than saying it got STUCK. 

"It rolled up her back"

You do know we have footage of this, right? 

At this point, I'm almost more angry with the lack of quality excuse. If you're going to lie to us, at least put in some effort!