Get Hyped Because Miley Cyrus Is Teasing Her New Album 'Something Beautiful'
I need this new album to absolutely crush. I always have such high hopes for Miley, but recently I've been disappointed. 'Flowers' was an absolute banger, but the whole album "Endless Summer Vacation" was not that good. I just felt like that album was all over the place. She was trying to do like 10 different sounds at once and besides a banger here and there it wasn't a Miley classic. So since she has been pretty hit or miss lately, let's hope that this one is a hit.
This is also perfect timing for a new Miley album. Summer is right around the corner, and I feel like this is gonna be perfect for the occasion. There is no set date on the album release so we are just gonna have to keep our eyes peeled. Miley is just a complete icon and so talented so I will be listening!