Tracy Morgan Threw Up While Sitting Courtside At The Knicks Game And Left In A Wheelchair

Jeez. Talk about headlines I never thought I would write in my life. My God. First off Tracy Morgan is ALWAYS at Knicks games and is liked by pretty much everyone (I think). I like him a ton and it always seems like he’s in a joyful mood and especially since his accident way back when (no big deal he credited my uncle’s hospital massively for his recovery) and it seems like he’s gained even more popularity with everyone. Likable guy. Knick fan. Funny. Someone you root for. 

Now this situation is just brutal. First off I think we all have been there when you get sick in the worst place possible and never expected it coming. It usually happens to me after riding in a car back seat for a long time. You know you feel sick and there’s nothing you can do. You start sweating and you can feel your stomach turning. You’re just waiting for the eventual avalanche to come out of your mouth. Brutal. So I feel for Tracy in this spot he may not have even been sick when he went to the game, it just hit him and he’s cooked. 

How does this affect him sitting courtside moving forward? You gotta think the next time eye tries to come the Knicks are a little weary no? What about all the other celebs sitting next to him? Would they sit down and be like oh man Tracy may puke on my shoes? By the way just so perfect to have Bobby Bacala’s reaction to it tonight. 

Lastly, what maniac got this action shot at the legit perfect time mid avalanche? Just an unreal photo. Did he know it was coming while he was watching him before this happened? Did he get lucky? We need to know. Hope Tracy is ok and this is nothing serious!