Innovator: Deion Sanders Want To Play Another School This Spring Instead of Having a Boring Intrasquad Spring Game

Chalk up another W for Coach Prime.

I can't believe this hasn't already been a thing for many years, but at this point, it may be the only way to keep spring games going. We've already seen a handful of schools cancel their spring games for a plethora of reasons, and with players now able to pack up and leave for a better opportunity at the drop of a hat, why would anyone put their talent on display in a meaningless scrimmage? Then Georgia or Ohio State sees your 3-star freshman that you knew was an under-the-radar stud and he's gone before he ever even plays a game.

I suppose that threat still exists in this scenario, but you're at least getting to practice against an opponent and see how your team matches up before playing a game that will get fans excited. I don't need to see Ohio State-Alabama in the spring or anything, but even just Power Four teams playing in-state Group of Five schools would be something to look forward to in the spring. I don't see how the current spring game format lasts beyond the next five years.

Syracuse head coach Fran Brown said he and his team would be willing to head out to Boulder to potentially make this happen, which would be fantastic. Hopefully these schools are able to work this out and set up a new way to do spring games.

Make Spring Games Great For The First Time.