Everyone Knows The Best Way To Win A Super Bowl Ring Is By Spending Two Years In The Army First Before Quietly Taking Leave To Dominate A Tryout
On today's episode of Bold American, we are joined by Brett Toth. Brett had a unique journey to the NFL coming from West Point and the Army before making it to the Eagles. The craziest part of this interview was that I wasn't part of it! Rare is it that I would miss out talking to a fellow Army Football player but the Barstool Classic duties (company man) called so I allowed Rob and (massive Eagles fan girl) Ryan to take the time to sit down with Brett.
He goes into detail about his circuitous route to the NFL and how his approach of "everything happens for a reason" is ultimately what landed him with a Super Bowl ring on his finger. Not to mention, he offers the sneaky best advice I've ever heard about a Super Bowl parade.
From there we get into the DEI purge across the Pentagon and how the baby is getting throwing out with the bath water.
(Shout to former producer Kyle)
Of course it's a news story that the Secret Service is getting stripped from outgoing officials and families (read: removed properly in accordance with law), but more importantly I am enjoying CENTCOM going off on social media right now dunking on our enemies with a play by play of our jets rearranging terrorists bodies.
Freedom boner loading…
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