Dan Bernstein Is Officially OUT At 670 The Score After Threatening A Man's Children Over A Fish Picture Dispute On Twitter
And there it is. Ding dong, Berstein is gone. I never like to celebrate anyone's demise, but this was a LONG time coming. Eddie was obviously caught up in this six months ago because he made the dire mistake of calling Berstein "Bernstein". Portnoy got involved and soon the entire country was aware of Dan Bernstein for the first time in Bernstein's life
Bernstein went dark on the internet for a while as the storm around him from the Eddie incident died down. He tried to make good behind the scenes when Portnoy won a silent auction for charity to his producer for the day. Bernstein had his tail between his legs. More upset that he was caught rather than the action he wanted to apologize and own it. Barstool said fuck that and we just went on our way.
You can't keep an asshole like Bernstein down though. When your default mode is to treat people like shit and go wayyyyyy over the line it will eventually catch up to you. A guy tweeting about his fucking fish picture was the final nail in Bernstein's radio career. I put it in the headline because even as I write I can't believe it. A picture of a FISH. Was it a spawning female? Who knows? I would have to ask Sydney Wells. Bernstein, dumber than that fish, couldn't ignore the bait from a random person on twitter and now he's done in Chicago. Deservedly so. He's been like this for as long as I can remember. He's tried to ruin marriages of athletes in town. He's generally been just a holier than thou prick despite having an endless run of incidents. It finally caught up to him. Good riddance. The media landscape and the city are better for it. I am glad it came at his own doing and not something involving Barstool because he would then make himself the victim. There's nothing for him to say. He did this to himself. I am glad the Score finally did the right thing. Long over due, but it's never the wrong time to get it right.