The Refs In St. John's/Arkansas Have Ruined The One Decent Game We've Had In This Tournament

Look at this call that fouled Kadary Richmond out of the game!

The sad thing is I don't even know if this is the worst call of the game. That's how bad it is. It's physical, sure. But every possession is a foul. The refs became the story in a game where they don't need to be around. They've ruined every moment. They've gotten basically 40 calls wrong. Don't listen to Gene Steratore who just blindly agrees with whatever the refs say. Listen to everyone else who has eyes and just wants to watch basketball. 

There has to be people out there who can do their job halfway decent when it comes to reffing. There's 4:56 to go as I blog this and there's been 39 fouls in this game. No one wants to watch a free throw contest. We just want to watch basketball. The story should be Cal and Pitino hating each other. The story should be if St. John's can do their second half comeback again. Nope. It's the refs, in a standalone game, with all eyes on the sport. It's a joke that this is the story and there won't be a press conference for them to answer questions, just whatever player makes a mistake. It's horrendous.