'I Hope They Don't Fuck You Like They Fucked Us, Baylor' - Dan Hurley Gave Us One Last Perfect Line About The Refs While He Walked Into The Tunnel

Goddamnit, this is perfect. It's also hilarious. I want to be very clear that this is hilarious. Dan Hurley walking off the court, everyone talking about how he was/is still an elite coach, seeing Baylor and telling them he hopes they don't get fucked like UConn is funny. It's even better when this was going viral and everyone talking about how compassionate he is: 

Look, college basketball needs a guy like Hurley. I can't stress this enough. The sport needs a coach that people fucking hate or defend with their entire life. We don't have enough of them in the game right now. Plus, no one sees this if we don't have people filming every second of every day. He didn't do this publicly. He waited until he saw Baylor, their fans, the random managers, and whoever else in the tunnel to say he doesn't want them to get fucked. That's him looking out since we know Duke is playing Baylor in Raleigh. 

It's no secret Dan Hurley is willing to embrace being a villain, willing to embrace talking shit to refs. I love it for that reason. He's entertaining and that's half the battle in this sport. He knows how to piss people off and then win. That's worth something in my book. But saying this is the perfect ending to this season, a season where he was under a microscope and people started turning on him. Not me though, you won't ever find me defending refs.