'My Biggest Concern Is How Bad The Seats Are On The Terrible Plane' - Shout Out To Mick Cronin For Giving Us A Legendary Year On The Mic

I meant to blog this the other night but frankly my brain started to get fried. So here is the blog. We need a quick shout out to Mick Cronin because the man gave us a legendary run at the mic this year. I know Danny Hurley gets all the news and credit for being crazy and saying ridiculous things at times, but Mick is in the same league as him. Look at some of his rants this season: 

The man knows how to say whatever is on his mind when he has a mic in front of him. He's perfect for college basketball. It's only fitting that he ends the season complaining about the plane ride home, having to sit on a terrible seat and being hungry. Will someone get the man some food! I'd say maybe Mick should eat on game day. He doesn't need to get out there and get in a defensive stance. He can eat whatever he wants before getting on the sidelines. That's especially true when you're the last game of the day like he was on Saturday. Can't be going that long without a meal and then having to ask someone for a hot meal after your season ends. 

I still can't believe Mick is at UCLA. The man couldn't be more opposite of California but somehow perfect for the Big 10. We need him back in the Midwest. He's made to be here. I know you leave Cincinnati for UCLA 100 out of 100 times and he made a Final Four, but it's time to come home, Mick. Gotta get one of these jobs back in this part of the country even if it means we don't get rants about the Statue of Liberty anymore.