Charlie The Dog Has The Perfect Reaction When He Learns His Baby Sister Is Coming Home




That went a different direction than I had originally predicted when I clicked on the video. I was thinking Charlie was gonna be be super amped to have a new baby sister.  Jumping around, wagging his tail, offering to change diapers.  Nope. Charlie is nervous AS FUCK for Sadie to come home from the hospital and who can blame him?  What’s gonna change?  Are we still gonna go on walks?  Will you guys still love Charlie as much?  Will they totally forget about him (they obviously won’t or at least they fucking better not)?  So many questions running through Charlie’s head at that moment that it was too much for him and he had to puke.  I’m gonna need to show that video to KFC to make sure he knows what to expect when he breaks the news to Duncan.  Let him down easy.  Give Duncan a handful of treats, rub his golden belly and then give him the news that his sister is coming home from the hospital. Because at the end of the day it’s only the dogs feelings that matter.


PS- Flip side is that Charlie is so excited to protect and care for his little sister that he puked. Let’s go with that one because ti’s more than likely true.