Happy 10 Year Anniversary To Ovi

Wow, 10 years ago yesterday we saw the debut of the best goal scorer your eyes will ever see. At 20 years old he scored 52 goals in his rookie season has hasn’t slowed down since. In case you’ve somehow forgotten, his stats are just nuts. Sometimes it’s fun to just look at them and marvel:

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That 07-08 season was unlike any other. He would go coast-to-coast with the puck, he would score on one-timers, he’d be double teamed and power through- I wish I could go back and watch it straight through, he was so much better than everyone else on the ice. So out of 10 seasons, 6 he has 50+ goals, 4 he has 100+ points, 5 Rocket Richards, and 3 MVPs. And maybe after this year he’ll have that Stanley Cup. He has averaged a point per game in 72 post-season games, maybe this is the year it all comes together for the Caps? Holtby, Ovi, Backstrom, and co finally get the elusive Cup? Who knows, but I’m just glad I’ve been able to watch Ovi for 10 sensational years.

(Yes, I know it’s easy to say how individual stats are nice and all, but the Caps have never won a Cup. I get it. I just don’t necessarily agree with taking away individual achievements because of the lack of team achievements. You can celebrate a player while still weeping about the overall lack of success from a team. It’s no big deal though, this is the year we get there.)