The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly From The Eagles Week 5 Bushwhacking Of The Saints


2-3. Big time players win big time games vs. big time teams. Even though this was a case of players with potential winning a semi-important regular season game vs. a team not worth its weight in piss, we’ll take it.

The Good:

Fletcher Cox – 6 tackles. 3 sacks. 2 FF. 1 Fumble Recovery. If this destroyer of worlds isn’t defensive player of the week then the universe is indeed an unjust place.

Malcolm Jenkins – 6 tackles, a number of well defended routes and blah blah blah blah blah. Par for the course. Can we just talk about how good, nay, GREAT this guy has been playing this year. He’s always in the right spot and if he could actually catch the damn ball he’d be in Dawkins territory by now. The amount of big play saving, open field tackles he makes alone makes him a candidate for MVP of this squad.

Hell, The Defense As A Whole – They essentially gave up 10 points if you’re not counting garbage time to Brandon Cooks with 0:00 left on the clock. 10 freaking points. Not to mention 4 turnovers and pressure on Drew Brees since the opening whistle. Were they perfect? No, but for the 5th game this year they played well enough to win the game.

Hell, The Offense As A Whole – You don’t put up 500 yards without having a kick dick of a ballgame. You can put the O-Line, all the RB’s, Bradford (most of the game) and a majority of the recievers in the “Good” category, as well. Everyone executed. Again, was the O perfect? No. But that could be a coming out party.

The Run Game – 34 rushes, 186 yards, 5.5 yards per carry, 2 TDs. Everyone did their part. Now it needs to carry over.

Coaching - It was essentially a dominated ballgame from start to finish. Yeah, they only led 10-7 at the half, but the Saints were getting ragdolled in every facet of the game from the jump. If it weren’t for a couple bad turnovers and failed 4th down conversions, this game would’ve been officially called a bloodbath mid-way through the 2nd quarter.

This Certified Boss – Would probably drop less passes, too.

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The Bad:

Sammy B – Great numbers: 32/45, 333 yards, 2 TDs…but those 2 picks are inexcusable and unacceptable. He actually played fantastic otherwise. Still, that first INT was one of the worst passes in NFL history. Seriously. That’s a JV High School pitch and catch for a TD.

The Ugly:

Caleb Sturgis – Keep missing chip shot XP’s and you will be uglier than sin week in and week out. Also, those kickoffs were a bit short, too. FIX IT.

DROPS and WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH JORDAN MATTHEWS - More drops on drops on drops, but this is becoming a disturbing trend for Matthews, someone who is supposed to be one of the more sure-handed guys not only on the team, but in the league. There were MULTIPLE plays that could’ve been made by #81 that literally slipped through his fingers (or off his numbers). FIX IT.

That’s it. Tough to find rough spots to nit pick when you win by 22. All in all, a big win in a game that should have been won. Victory walks out of the stadium are a lot better than the ones where you contemplate your own existence.