Brookline Firefighter in Hot Water For Beating Up A Homeless Man Who Was Taking Too Long In Line At Anna's Taqueria



Bmag – A Brookline firefighter allegedly beat a man he believed was homeless for taking too long to order at Anna’s Taqueria. Police arrived on Harvard Street around 10:45 p.m. Sunday on a report of assault and battery. A witness told police he saw a man call the victim a “homeless fuck” (another witness heard “homeless fucking asshole”) and punch him in the face outside Anna’s Taqueria, before raining a bottle, food, more fists, and a shod foot upon him, according to the police report obtained by the Brookline TAB.  Joseph Ward, 37, of Dorchester, was charged with assault and battery and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. Both Ward and the victim told police the ordeal began when Ward, standing behind the victim in line, told him to hurry up with his order. Ward told police the victim had challenged him to a fight.

Listen is this a bad look for Joseph Ward here? Yes it it. Beating up a homeless guy in Brookline is never a great look. BUT anybody who says they wouldn’t have lost their minds in this situation is a liar. Some homeless dude taking forever to order his taco, probably not even having the money to pay for it, hasn’t showered in a month just holding up the whole god damn line.   So infuriating. And I totally believe that the homeless guy challenged him to a fight too. Homeless always challenge civilians to fights. Half the time they are too drunk to even throw a punch. Again you should never beat up a homeless person, but I ain’t mad at him either.