The Colts Also Have All Of Their "Banners" Hanging In The Media Room

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What’s the phrase “if you have to tell people how great you are then you’re probably not that great”? Something like that. Well the Colts took that even a step further. “If you have to tell everyone how incredibly mediocre you are then you’re actually probably not even mediocre.” Everywhere you go in Lucas Oil you can see their participation awards. Jim Irsay is a drunk dad who never actually went to any of his kid’s games so he displays the “trophies” like it makes up for all his shortcomings. Hell, he may have fucking invented participation trophies these things date back so far. People in Indy blame the Patriots for all their failures but we, as a country, very well may be able to blame Indy for starting the “Hey you showed up, here’s a prize” generation.



PS – I’ve got a real bone to pick with Boston media. If these things have been around forever why did we just learn about them this year when we accidentally found out on social media because an Indy guy tweeted it. You never thought the was information that we wanted?