Tara Reid Still Got It! (Kinda)

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I just can’t put my finger on Tara Reid and her post-American Pie life. I really can’t.  There’s been so much back and forth.  One second her boobs look like they were constructed by a blind butcher and the next second she’s borderline anorexic then she’s on Instagrams letting her girls pop right in our face like in that picture. I’d have to say she looks pretty damn good there. She’s kinda got that I’m A Drunk Who’s Been In The Sun Too Long look that I find extremely attractive in women. Don’t look at it too long. If you don’t stare at that picture too long, and just catch it at a glance, then you might think she’s the hottest chick on the planet.  That’s when Tara Reid is at her best. At a glance. She’s like the Sun.  Look at her but don’t look too closely or for too long or something bad is gonna happen. You’ll start seeing things you don’t wanna see.