It’s Official: The Barstool Dixie Bus Will Be Headed To Ann Arbor Saturday


Sometimes God just works in mysterious ways. Like my plan all along this weekend was to go to the Pats game in Indy. No way I was gonna miss that shit. Well suddenly the game of year in college football is taking place in Ann Arbor Saturday. Yup Michigan vs. Michigan State. Harbaugh vs. Little Brother. Turns out Indianapolis is only 4 hours from Michigan. Meanwhile the Dixie crew already planned on being in Kentucky for Thursday Night Football. That’s only 5 hours from Ann Arbor. Don’t you love it when a plan comes together! Yup it’s a dream football weekend for me. I’ll be in Michigan with the Dixe Crew Saturday and then on Sunday I got to scoot on down the road to watch the Pats mutilate the Colts. Just a casual weekend of watching my favorite college and NFL teams dominate the world. God it’s great to be a gansta.

PS – The Dixie Guys and me are looking for a place to pregame on Saturday in Ann Arbor. Let us know where we should pull up the big rig and we’ll see you there. Email or tweet at barstooldixie  Go Blue.