Georgia Tech Fraternity (that I was in) Suspended for a Year for Allegedly Yelling a Racial Slur at a Passing Student



myAJC – Georgia Tech has placed restrictions on a fraternity with a history of disciplinary penalties, over what the university says was discriminatory behavior. In early August, a black student at the university said three members of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity yelled racial slurs at her from windows of the fraternity house. An investigation led to Phi Delta Theta’s sanction, termed “suspension held in abeyance,” which lasts through August 9, 2016, according to a release posted to the university’s website Wednesday afternoon. Officials with the local and national fraternity chapters released their own statements disputing the university’s finding. Under the restrictions, the chapter may continue “recruiting new members, holding meetings to conduct chapter business and service activities,” but may not participate in Greek Week or homecoming, nor host, co-host or participate in social events on campus, with or without alcohol. Chapter members will be required to complete specified training to get the restrictions lifted.

On Wednesday, the local chapter disputed the university’s findings and requested an independent investigation. “We remain convinced that the allegation is false, and that no one from our fraternity was involved. There is compelling video and an abundance of other credible evidence that contradicts the claim, which remains unsupported by any corroborating evidence,” Matt Edwards, alumni association president of the Georgia chapter, said in a statement to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Wednesday. “We are troubled by a disciplinary and investigative process that we believe was flawed, and we ask that the Institute be open to an impartial and independent review by a respected third party.” The fraternity says the windows in the house where the black student claimed the racial slurs were made were locked or inaccessible, video surveillance does not show the student in front of the house, and that the dean conducting the investigation predetermined the fraternity’s guilt before the investigation began. Georgia Tech officials declined to comment beyond the online posting.

In August, the student’s allegation set off an immediate response on social media and was reported nationally. A group of students held a silent protest outside of the fraternity house, and other black students complained of similar experiences at the university. The fraternity’s national chapter had previously disputed the student’s claims, saying in August: “Through a preliminary investigation there is no indication that members of the Phi Delta Theta chapter at Georgia Tech were involved in such an act.” On Wednesday, the national chapter stood by its initial findings. “While we respect the administrative process, and will honor the sanction by (Georgia Tech), our internal investigation did not find evidence of discriminatory conduct,” said Sean S. Wagner, associate executive vice president of the national organization.









Full disclaimer: I was a Phi Delt at GT so I’m almost certainly guilty of some bias here but the situation described doesn’t make sense any way you slice it


Look, I know that fraternities aren’t the most popular here at Barstool. Regardless of whatever deep seated animosity you have for them, you’ve gotta raise an eyebrow when an entire organization is getting sanctioned by a school over a he-said, she-said scenario. This isn’t frat bros in black face at a mixer with pictures all over instagram. This isn’t some kid in the hospital because of alcohol related hazing. This is a student claiming that somebody yelled at them from a window as they were driving by a house. About 5 or 10 words that a single person supposedly heard coming out of a window that I personally know hasn’t opened since 2009. The school is throwing out a suspension on complete and total hearsay.

I don’t know if it this did or didn’t happen (I don’t think it did on a random weekday afternoon. Most of our Klan rallies were right before chapter bible study on Sunday), but what are we talking about as a standard for punishment if one person can claim something and then you’re immediately guilty? There are ongoing themes that are portrayed nationally with Greek life. Racism sucks. Rape is terrible. Forcing kids to drink until they die is unfathomably stupid and should be punished with prison or worse. But completely tossing out burden of proof or even asking for a shred of evidence before railroading Greek organizations with punishments is just lazy and irresponsible. I’m pretty sure it’s never been a good idea to just blindly punish people because of accusations rather than evidence.

Clearly not the fraternity house in question


PCU is finally coming true! It’s even made it’s way into the South. South Park is harping on this with PC Principal. You’ve got Jerry Seinfeld telling college kids they fundamentally don’t understand what racism or sexism are because they’ve become so hyper sensitive. You’ve got POTUS telling them that arguments are OK and you don’t have to just outright ban someone who isn’t as politically correct as you are. It’s become so overblown that the pendulum is swinging the other way and the people preaching reason are the ones you’d typically call progressive. So let’s maybe react to these situations sanely rather than scapegoating Greek organizations and de facto labeling all their members as racist just because you don’t like the system as a whole.