How Much Ass Do We Think The New Canadian Prime Minister Is Going To Get?


Very seldom to I pay attention to American politics. I’m all on board for the Presidential elections but after that, it’s pretty much nothing. So I sure as shit don’t pay attention to Canadian politics unless, of course, it has to do with Rob Ford. To be quite honest, I didn’t even realize that the Canadians had an actual form of government. Just sort of thought everyone goes with the flow up there and things just figure themselves out. But apparently our buddies up north had their election for a new Prime Minister yesterday and 44-year-old Justin Trudeau is your new Canadian PM. Normally, this news would fly right over my head but when I started to see pictures of this dude, I knew that the Canadians mean business. Because this man belongs in movies, not in politics.

justin-trudeau-boxing2Justin Trudeau

Justin Trudeau

Now the last time I checked, I’m not gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I’m just saying that as a straight male, I can admit that Justin Trudeau is a good looking cat. So now I’m curious as to how much ass do we think Justin Trudeau is going to slay while he’s in office. He’s a married man but so was Billy Boy Clinton and JFK and we all know how much that stopped them. And now what does this mean for Canada’s ranking in terms of world power? Like being the Canadian Prime Minister probably never held a ton of clout before but I’m a firm believer that good looking people run the world. People are going to be way more inclined to listen to whatever Justin Trudeau has to say as opposed to uggos like Angela Merkel or David Cameron. Good looking people are just naturally better than ugly people. That’s not me being a dick, those are just the facts. So yeah, I guess this is a big time power move by the Canadians and I can only imagine how moist all the women in Canada were when heading out to the voting booths yesterday.

Also, this is true.