This Batshit Texan Lawyer Is A Complete Rip Off Of Our Old Disbarred Hero, Adam Reposa

+1000 for the midget breathalyzer, but yo, Brian Wilson – STEP OFF. This is Adam Reposa territory. Who is Adam Reposa, you ask? Well, he’s our Texas Attorney at Law/Batshit we blogged about a few years back –

You’re damn right I tried to get Adam Reposa to defend me for accidentily starting a fire in a Jersey Wawa. No dice. And Yes, this was 100% a real commercial for Austin, TX based Criminal Defense lawyer Adam Reposa. His law office web domain was and he was once sentenced to 90 days in jail because he made ‘immature sexual gestures simulating masturbation‘ towards a female judge because she was being ‘a bitch towards his case.‘ His business card from 2009 stateed on the front:

And the back:

Screw being a DUI badass, they should have just given Yosemite Sam a couple six shooters and have him take down Al-Qaeda. The War against Terror would’ve be over in less than a month. But I’ll tell you one thing, I don’t care what the cost is, I always want an Adam Reposa or Brian Wilson in my corner. I don’t want some Harvard asswipe who is just in it for the money. I need a lawyer who cares to batshit proportions about my case and be so upset if I lost he would teabag a furnace to numb his pain. A winner who would take a literal shit on all the evidence in question and intimidate anyone who threatens to stop him. That’s what Patriot and champion Adam Reposa brings to the table. That and I’m guessing a shit load of dip and guns.

But, yeah, Adam’s seen some better days. No idea why he’s shirtless outside a Sugar Mama’s with a Phoenix tatted on his chest doing a diatribe about “White’s Only”, but I’m sure there’s a good reason. This dude may be too smart and crazy for his own good. He don’t give a fuck.