Colin Cowherd Whining That He Didn't Get Invited To Michelle Beadle's Birthday Party Is The Lamest Thing He's Ever Done




Cowherd may be trying to play this off as a joke here, but it’s clearly one of those jokes that come from a serious place. There’s a big difference between busting balls and being serious with a smile on your face, Cowherd is 100% the latter in this situation.


That is unbelievable for a 51 year old adult male to actually be offended he wasn’t invited to a birthday party. Third graders do that, they cry when Tommy invited everyone in class but him. High school girls get all catty and passive aggressive when Samantha didn’t text her about the party this weekend. But professional, adult men taking the time to bitch and moan about not getting an e-card? That’s absurdity. Does he also check to see what friends wrote “HBD” on his Facebook wall and get mad at those who didn’t?


Of all Cowherd’s terrible takes, and there have been a lot of them, this is the most embarrassing. Worse than John Wall can’t win because he dances, worse than Sean Taylor played a part in his own death when he was shot during a home invasion, worse than saying baseball must be simple because people from the Dominican understand it, and worse than saying Roger Goodell is a father figure to black players. This takes the cake. Or, it doesn’t, because everyone hates Colin Cowherd and he doesn’t get invited for cake.