Can People Please Stop Talking About Trading For Colin Kaepernick


This freaking fanbase, man. I love it, but sometimes a collection of brash jackasses talk loud and frequent enough to drive the storyline in this town (like when 30 assholes went and boo’d Donovan McNabb, even though 95% of Eagles fans and anyone with a brain not deteriorated by booze wanted #5 instead of Ricky Williams). No – The Eagles are not trading for Colin Kaepernick this season. Now in the offseason, or if he were a FA, it’s a totally different story. The dude went to a Super Bowl for Christ sake and his natural running talent in a Chip Kelly offense makes it move and then some. But this isn’t Madden where you can just switch rosters and everything’s hunky-dorey. Systems need to be learned and there’s a little thing called the salary cap people forget is part of reality. A trade just isn’t happening. Plus Kaep has SUCKED this year. Bradford hasn’t been perfect, but you can somewhat spread the blame around this entire O and coaching staff. Kaepernick has just looked…bad.

Not that Kaep would be a savior for this franchise OR Sam Bradford can’t lead this team to the promise land. I still don’t think we know exactly where Sammy stands, yet. But he’s got 9+ games to prove he can be a damn fine QB or Chip will definitely wash his hands and giant nuts of #8. He’s a FA at the end of the year. This is it, and regardless was definitely worth surrendering a 2nd round pick to find out what the former #1 pick and Heisman Trophy winner could do. Let’s face it, it’s not like Foles is lighting up the NFL without Chip’s help, either.

Plus there’s this from the Eagles reddit page. Don’t give up hope just yet, America.
