Ronda Rousey Has To Be the Most Over Rated Athlete of All Time








I know that it’s easy to say this now, but I’ve been saying it from day 1. Ronda Rousey was truly the media’s greatest creation. Gina Carano 2.0.  People were literally calling Ronda Rousey the best athlete in the world, blah, blah, blah. Dana White said Ronda Rousey would beat Floyd Mayweather. What an absolute joke.   She was a marketing machine and nothing more.

Listen as I said a million times before this fight how many people actually compete in women’s MMA? 200? So she was the best of 200 people who were picking up a new sport? Well tonight she fought a chick with a long boxing history and she got destroyed. Nothing flukish about it. Rousey was clueless. Had no idea how to get inside without taking 10 punches to the face. These two could fight 100 times and Holm would knock her out 100 times. To say Rousey was overmatched and outclassed would be the understatement of the year. It was obvious she was in over her head 10 seconds into the fight. The skill level was night and day.

In fact after watching that bloodbath I’ve never been more confident that world class boxers would destroy the best MMA fighters. It’s almost like MMA fans don’t understand how quick and deadly boxers are. The Sweet Science has been around since the dawn of time. MMA is still a relatively new sport. Champion boxers would all do exactly what Holm did to Rousey. Rousey tried to cut off the ring and chased her only to get her face bashed in everytime she came inside. The type of hand speed and precision between boxers and MMA guys is still night and day. And I don’t care who you are if you get hit flush by a boxer you will not be able to stick with your gameplan. MMA guys would not be able take down the best boxers because they are too quick. They’d pummel them on the way inside.  Don’t get me wrong I’ll still watch MMA and tonight was awesome.  It’s exactly why you have to buy all big fights because you never know when something like tonight will happen.  I can’t wait for the MacGregor fight, but boxing is still king.  Boxers are still the best athletes and fighters in the fight business and anybody who thinks otherwise is a moron.