NYC Commuters Are Pissed That Nazi Symbols Are Plastered All Over The Times Square Shuttle


NY Daily News- Nazi insignias have taken over the Times Square shuttle as part of a TV show promotion for Amazon.  The ads for the show, “Man in the High Castle,” based on a Philip K. Dick novel, is an alternative history “what if” story about the Third Reich and Japanese Empire winning World War II and occupying the United States.

The Times Square shuttle’s interior is decked out with the German Iron Eagle and the Japanese Raising Sun signs against the American red, white and blue.  Despite the Nazi imagery in the face of commuters, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority said the imagery in the promotion cleared its “no political view point” advertising standards.

“We have no grounds to reject them,” MTA spokesman Adam Lisberg said. “MTA is a government agency and can’t accept or reject ads based on how we feel about them; we have to follow the standards approved by our board.”  Reps for Amazon did not immediately return request for comment.


I hate outrage culture just as much as the next blogger, but I never really have a problem with New Yorkers bitching about shit on the subway.  We deal with rats, garbage, homeless people, and smells that don’t even include those three nightmares.  So I have no problem with people blowing off a little steam because you don’t like seeing the flag of a country that tried to kill all of their ancestors.

My real problem is giving the Nazis any shine in this country.  They got a huge head start over in Europe before the U.S. and the rest of the Allies penetrated that Occupied France Ass on D-Day and marched all the way to Berlin (and can’t forget all the crazy shit that happened in the Pacific) to take down those Axis Powers dickheads.  The Greatest Generation didn’t risk life and limb for American trains to be decked out in Nazi eagles and Rising Suns.  They did it to save the world and keep the title of Best Country On The Planet in America.  When I was growing up, I was killing Nazis in Wolfenstein 3D.  Now we have trains filled with Nazi flags.  Be softer, MTA.  You can’t.  Plus the show apparently sucks, so take that shit down and put some pictures of Old Glory on the seats right before Thanksgiving, one of the greatest holidays on the planet.  USA! USA! USA!!!

However, I will say the thought of out-of-towners looking to ride the big bad New York subway entering a train in Times Square and seeing Nazi stuff everywhere is pretty funny.  You want culture, here’s your culture.  Nazi eagles all up in your eyeballs. Would have loved to see Trent’s reaction to that last year.