Kobe Bryant's Greatest Career Achievement Is The Time He Didn't Flinch




Forget the 5 rings, forget the 2 Finals MVPs, forget the 17 All-Star games, forget the 1 MVP award (how the fuck did Kobe only win one MVP by the way?). Forget all of it.  None of those things is Kobe’s career highlight. No. Kobe Bean Bryant’s greatest career accomplishment is the time Matt Barnes couldn’t get him to flinch despite shoving the ball straight into Kobe’s face. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched that video. For sure thought it was fake the first time I saw it many moons ago and you know what? I flinch every single time and so do you. How can you not?  A regular human being flinches in that situation. It’s not up to the person. It’s a human instinct to flinch. It’s a survival mechanism printed onto our DNA after years and decades and centuries of humans getting hit in the face and not moving. Eventually the human body realized it needed to move when something jabbed at it. You have no control over it. Kobe either has the biggest balls on the planet or is a sociopath and it’s definitely both.


I mean just look at this picture



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The ball is basically touching Kobe’s face and he’s just like, “Whatever. I’m Kobe Bryant. My ego could fill up 100 Staples Centers.” Both players should’ve retired right then and there. Kobe retires on top after doing one of the most badass things ever.  Barnes retires at the bottom because there’s simply no coming back from that.  Second hand embarrassment through the roof every time I watch it. Impossible to punk somebody harder than Kobe punked Barnes there.



#2 on Kobe’s list of greatest career achievements? Making this shoe



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