Apparently I'm Rated On Lulu, The App Where Girls Rate Guys They Dated, And I Don't Know How To Feel







I feel like I’ve seen people talk about Lulu, an app where girls rate guys they’ve dated/hooked up with, but never believed anyone would use it. And now, perhaps timely given some of the things I said on this week’s KFC Radio, here I am reviewed like a common taco stand and seeing it only after being tipped off by a girl I know who just downloaded the app. And I’m not sure how to feel, there are some positives to be taken away here but the dings on Look and Style hurt a bit, as did seeing all of my inefficiencies as a potential romantic partner broken down into catchy hashtags. At the same time, people got so mad when that Yelp for people app came out but I think maybe sometimes you need this? A sobering look at yourself when you’ve led a life of being #SelfAbsorbed with a bit too much of a #WanderingEye. Maybe it’s a firm wake-up call to get your act right or, if nothing else, a reminder not to date girls who don’t download a lot of dumb girl apps. Important life lessons all around.


Also what creeped me out the most about this is that the picture isn’t even of my dog, just some dog I met once (casual dog meetups, exchanging talk about mutual funds and Snausages). If we’re going to publicly rank me where other potential mates might be at least give the dignity of pictures of my less embarrassingly-sized dogs:



PS stoked for my new Twitter header though:


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I’m more proud of the 10 on Manners and the #GoodGrammar hashtag but I know what puts the asses sliding into DM seats.