The New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Trailer Is Out And I'm So In



I’m in, so in. I’m not really a comic book superhero type of guy. I watch the Batman movies because they’re awesome and that’s about it. But if you’re a child of the 90’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were EVERYTHING. I think I asked for something TMNT related for like 5 birthdays in a row. My parents once got me a Leonardo thing and I was FURIOUS, Raphael for life. So whatever they produce I’m going to consume until the end of time. Also shout out to Michael Bay for getting Megan Fox and making her look like old Megan Fox, one of the sexiest women alive. April O’Neil has to be a smoke, it doesn’t work if she isn’t.




Also I love that we got this, the cars blowing up and flipping over themselves shot. Can’t have an action movie without it. Just not possible.







Also I mentioned Bebop and Rocksteady last night, totally unaware that this trailer was coming out today and a stoolie asked me if those were pokemon. That depressed the fuck out of me.