I Guess Daddy Dixie Created The Hottest Sweatshirt In the Internet Streets Today?




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So I’ve been doing C Level Executive shit in NYC the last couple days. For all you idiots out there who don’t know what C Level executive shit means think Longshanks when he’s out conquering weak people to expand his kingdom for his weak children. That’s what I’m doing. KFC is having kids. I’m making sure his kids have a future. Apparently while I was gone Daddie Dixie (AKA – Caleb) put this sweatshirt on sale and it’s the toast of the internet. Am I getting that old? I don’t even know what the fuck this is? Just a fat black santa? Has the tshirt game really passed me by already? Whatever Pres…Don’t think just throw. Don’t think. Just throw. If people want to buy Black Santa let em.

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