Michael Irvin Says Odell Beckham Jr. Has Been Dealing With Gay Taunts All Season


NY Daily News-   Odell Beckham Jr. was not only subjected to gay slurs last week by the Carolina Panthers, he’s been dealing with them every week.  Michael Irvin, the Cowboys Hall of Fame receiver, was about to get on a flight leaving New York on Tuesday afternoon and was speaking on his cell phone to Beckham for the third time in three days since the great OBJ meltdown.

Irvin said Beckham told him the Panthers were trash-talking at him with gay slurs and before the game taunted him with a baseball bat. Apparently, the gay slurs directed by NFL players at Beckham are not new.  Beckham informed The Playmaker he has been “dealing with it every week,” Irvin told the Daily News.

“He deals with it a lot. For some reason, everybody goes after him with gay slurs. He’s a different kind of dude. He has the hairdo out, he’s not the big muscular kind of dude. The ladies all love him. He’s a star. I wonder why people are going in that direction. It blows my mind. I told him he can’t let stuff that people say get to you,” Irvin said.

How would Irvin have handled it?  “I would like to think I could handle it correctly,” he said. “But I can’t promise you that. Really, nobody can. That is why they give you leniency for crimes of passion.”


I know there have been whispers about ODB being gay and I don’t really know what to think or believe.  One day he is partying with smokes on Barstool Snapchats or going down on chicks.  The next day he appears to be checking out a teammate’s ass

That being said, I will say that you would think Michael Irvin probably has a decent Gaydar.  He grew up and played college football in or around Miami and spent plenty of time in an NFL locker room.  If Irvin says ODB is straight, then ODB is straight in my book.

Now when it comes down to it, I don’t care what ODB’s sexual preference is.  Whatever makes him happy makes me happy.  I just want him to continue to set records and hopefully one day lead the Giants back to the goddamn playoffs.  Does it suck that he is going to hear shit from guys the rest of his career about a rumor that may or may not be true?  Of course.  But if you are a player in any sport, you are going to get some vile shit spewed at you.  It doesn’t make it right, but it’s just the way it works.  Now teams have a book on how to get inside ODB’s head and they will be using it until they prove he won’t let it effect him to the point where he goes catchless for a half or commits half a football field worth of roughing penalties, followed by getting suspended for a game that could officially knock the Giants out of the playoffs.