Brian Urlacher Rolled Up On WGN Studios This Morning...WITH A FULL HEAD OF HAIR!

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I’m in shock. Shocker than shocked. Of all the things that could happen today this had to be last on the list. Brian Urlacher casually strolling on to the WGN lot with a full head of hair. I mean I know he said he had hair a few years ago and just bics his head but that’s something bald people say just to pretend that they’re not bald. “I could totally have hair you guys, I just like the look and not having to shampoo my hair”. But it’s actually true, Brian Urlacher has hair. Fake hair, but hair nonetheless. What the fuck is going on here? I feel like my entire life has been wrong up until this point. What could possibly be more stunning than this? The President revealing he’s an alien? OJ finding Nicole’s murderer? Getting classified information on who shot JFK? Nah, none of that. Brian Urlacher has hair, the world is upside down.


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I will say this, shaving his head for almost his entire career (he had some hair back at the beginning) was the correct move. This guy right here is the least intimidating linebacker of all time. Bet he doesn’t even have a sweet barb wire tattoo. Total softie.



How much did this hair restoration clinic pay to get Urlacher? Outside of MJ having hair this is the biggest bald get in Chicago. Fat bald dude’s are going to be lining up, changing their entire life. Don’t look now but we’re on the up and up. Chicago just got itself some hair.