Wake Up Again In Agony With Every Single Dropped Pass From The Philadelphia Eagles 2015 Season


It’s cold. It’s miserable. It’s pointless. I wasn’t going to harp on the Eagles dropping passes at an historically embarrassing rate anymore but this 10 minute, I repeat – 10 FREAKING MINUTE – video is a good ending point to my madness. So that’s that. I figure the only people worse off than Philadelphians right now are die-hard Clemson folk. Not the Brian Dawkins’s or rich Southern Belles. They’ll survive. I’m talking about the poor souls who are stuck in dicklick rural SC who had the Frank Underwood upbringing. Might as well call it a life after Nick Saban proves once again there is no God winning his 4th title in 7 years. Who cares. We’re all dead in the end anyway.