Little Back Up Goalie Puts On A Dancing Clinic On The Bench

Anybody who has ever been around the game of hockey knows one thing for certain; that the biggest freak in the locker room is always in-between the pipes one the ice. Goalies are as weird of a breed as they come. Never have I ever met someone who willingly gets hit with shots for fun that doesn’t have at least a screw or twenty lose in their head. They’re like this little dude who just let’s the music take control or they’re a 40-year-old mogul who has a 21-year-old best friend, or somewhere in between. But aside from Henrik Lundqvist, I can’t think of any goalie who is actually just a normal guy. And I’m still not all too convinced that there’s nothing Hank is hiding from the general public at this point. There has to be something wrong with that guy. Anyway, let’s get a few stick taps going for the goalies right now. Because as much as I hate them from stopping 99.9% of every shot I ever took, they’re a strange breed of goobers that you can’t help but love.

One last thing before we go though… if you’re a parent and your kid is doing something funny and/or cute and you want to record that event, TURN YOUR GODDAMN PHONE HORIZONTALLY. It’s 2016. We shouldn’t even be allowed to record vertically anymore.




h/t Dusten