Video Of A Kid Being Reunited With His Lost Dog Will Melt You Into A Puddle Of Tears

Just wanted to share some good news! My sons puppy went missing about a month ago and we just found him. This is the video of my son reuniting with his baby Kase!

* he was found right down the street from our house. A nice family had taken him in and kept him warm and fed!



We say shit like that all the time around here.  That a video of a lost dog and its owner being reunited will make you cry.  And maybe for certain videos it’s true for some and not for others.  I know it’s true for me.  I’m a crier. No two ways about it.  I will start bawling at almost anything that is remotely emotional. I’ll be fine one second then be covered in tears and snot the next. Straight up Knowshon Moreno tears. Well that video right there of a little boy being reunited with his dog is gonna make everybody cry.  EVERYBODY. If you don’t you might be a psychopath. Show the video to someone who doesn’t start crying and you’ll know they don’t have the capacity to experience feelings.  That kid loves Kase more than anything in the world. Losing him had to be the worst feeling in the world. Kid could barely handle seeing his lost dog again.  Shout out to dogs. Always and forever.  And shout out to the family who took Kase in and kept him safe.  Feels everywhere. Enjoy a good Friday cry.