Ted Cruz Trying To Hug His Daughter Is The Most Awkward Video You'll See This Year



You couldn’t pay me to watch that again. I watched it once and that was more than enough cringe to last me until 2017. Now you could say that all little kids are assholes and that is true. Every little kid has avoided a hug from their mom or dad and maybe even screamed they hate them even if they didn’t mean it.  But that was something different from Ted Cruz’s daughter. That looked like pure hatred.  Had they ever hugged before that moment?  Was that the first time Cruz had tried to hug her?  Was that the first time he had ever seen his daughter? It wouldn’t shock me if that was the first time they had ever met. Politicians lead busy lives. They can’t be expected to meet everyone of their kids. Something weird was going on there. I’m sure Cruz was thinking, “This is a good time to show the cameras that I’m a good family man who hugs his kids” and his daughter wasn’t having it one bit. Then again, nobody has a better shit detector’s than kids. Not a great look for Cruz.